Rustic Ceramic White Gloss Mini Metro Wall Tiles

70 SQM in Stock

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Q & A

Are these tiles exactly like the regular white rustic metro tiles you sell, but smaller? I need to make an urgent order and wanted to double-check that they have the same, characterful uneven edges.Our Advice

Hi Michael Yes, these are the same, but a smaller version. Kind Regards Walls and Floors

I need 934 of these tiles in 1st week of jan 2023, are they in stock, Product Id is 12174, many thanksOur Advice

Hi Les Thank you for your query. We currently have 123sqm in stock which is 10934 tiles we should still be in stock in the new year as well. Kind regards Walls and Floors

Claire Browne16/01/21
do these tiles come in a bigger size? If not is there a similar metro type tile that is a bit bigger?Our Advice

Hi Claire Thanks for your query. The tile is available in a 300x100 version as well Kind regards Walls and Floors

What colour of grout has been used in the bathroom images for these tiles? ThanksOur Advice

Hi Annabelle, Unfortunately, I couldn't advise on an exact shade as the photo has been provided by the tile manufacturer. But I can recommend Ultracolour Plus 112 Medium Grey Tile Grout ID: 12931 to achieve the same look. Kind regards,

K Hough06/10/19
Do these tiles have bevelled edges and are they brilliant white ie not off whiteOur Advice

Hello and thank you for your enquiry These tiles have a slightly irregular square edge with no bevel, other than that defined by the texture of the surface. They also have a slight variation in shade from white to off-white, and we would recommend obtaining a sample to view in your lighting situation, before making your final decision. If you wish to discuss your project in more detail or to arrange samples or a quotation, please call our Sales Team on 01536 314730, and they will be more than happy to help you. Regards Walls And Floors

Kendra Hall25/04/18
Hi, do these white gloss metro tiles(12174)need sealing?Our Advice

Hi Kendra, These tiles do not require sealing but in kitchens and bathrooms, we do recommend sealing the grout with the LTP Grout & Tile Protector to help against staining and discolouration: Regards Walls And Floors